The LIFT Leadership Index 2022
The LIFT Index 2022 is annual piece of research done by LIFT Ireland with Coyne Research. 1,000 members of the public are polled on their attitudes to leadership.
LIFT Ireland – Leading Ireland’s Future Together
The LIFT Index 2022 is annual piece of research done by LIFT Ireland with Coyne Research. 1,000 members of the public are polled on their attitudes to leadership.
David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research at LIFT Ireland shares his thoughts on what it takes to lead. “Regardless of what we have and where we are, we can all aim to ring the last drop out of what we have been given. We can all aim to make a difference.”
As we approach our LIFT Better Leadership Forum looking at leadership in business, LIFT’s founder Joanne Hession looks at the importance of positive leadership in business
Trinity college student Sophie illustrates her journey from participating in LIFT leadership roundtables to eventually writing her digital marketing thesis on LIFT.
David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research at LIFT Ireland opens a conversation about who can be called a great leader.
David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research at LIFT Ireland explores what makes a country great.
Would all of us benefit from understanding that the way we see the world is not necessarily the only, or indeed, the best way? David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research at LIFT Ireland explores this question.
David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research at LIFT Ireland meditates on the power of the media and their role in leading.
David Hession, Head of Impact Measurement and Research analyses the process cultural change in organisations. Changing attitudes and behaviours must be done in a slow and individualised way. It won’t succeed through demands from the top – people must buy into it.
We asked LIFT partner Mobility Mojo about the value of LIFT for their organisation. We’re extremely proud to partner with this award-winning organisation. “LIFT is a natural fit for our company with simplicity and a focus on improving the world at the heart of it”.