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LIFT Ireland grew out of a desire to change our country for the better, not because better is needed but because better is possible. LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise that aims to develop positive leadership for Ireland and by Ireland.
More than 90% of Irish people believe the education system should include a focus on building leadership skills amongst young people. ​At LIFT Ireland, we want to help develop the leadership of the next generation of community, business and political leaders.
LIFT’s mission is to transform Irish society by enabling the development of leaders of character.​ Our aim is to reach 10% of the Irish population in 10 years (2028) via an eight-part leadership group learning process creating a ripple effect of impact and change.​

Feedback from University of Galway Students on LIFT.

“I have achieved the ability to produce a more positive approach to assignments and trying to look at the upside more rather than focus on the downs”.​

“It has given me confidence to take more responsibility within group projects and lead them whereas before I didn’t think I had the necessary skills.​”

“I have become more patient with people and tend to actively listen now as before I would always be thinking of what to say next or to immediately give my opinion. I have also become more honest and conscious to only make promises I can keep.”

Quote from Caroline Ní Fhlatharta – Uni of Galway Irish Language Officer​

“I thoroughly enjoyed the LIFT Leadership programme and found it very beneficial indeed. I commend the LIFT founders for making the material available ‘as Gaeilge’ – Irish is my first language and it was absolutely brilliant to be able to conduct the roundtables in Irish each week. The ten themes we covered in University of Galway were relevant and thought-provoking and it was a great opportunity to meet fellow Irish speakers within the University each week. I highly recommend the LIFT programme – for me, it provided an important opportunity to focus on my values but also my strengths and weaknesses on a weekly basis and it certainly had a positive impact on my life and on my relationships with others.”


LIFT Ireland
39/40 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, D02 X7H6



LIFT Ireland Is A Social Enterprise Initiative Aimed At Increasing The Level Of Positive Leadership Capabilities In Ireland.

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