All-Ireland Business Summit Contact Form

LIFT Ireland grew out of a desire to change our country for the better, not because better is needed but because better is possible. LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise that aims to develop positive leadership for Ireland and by Ireland.
Currently only 1 in 5 believe that they can positively impact Irish society. But everyone has the potential to do so. What’s more, a country with positive leadership and individual accountability will, not only resonate with people, but it will put Ireland on the map internationally, increasing trust, happiness and GDP for generations to come.
LIFT’s mission is to transform Irish society by enabling the development of leaders of character.​ Our aim is to reach 10% of the Irish population in 10 years (2028) via an eight-part leadership group learning process creating a ripple effect of impact and change.​


LIFT Ireland
39/40 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, D02 X7H6



LIFT Ireland Is A Social Enterprise Initiative Aimed At Increasing The Level Of Positive Leadership Capabilities In Ireland.

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  • Dublin | Ireland
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