Nurturing the Leader in Others
Karen Devine – LIFT Facilitator
When I first heard about LIFT, I liked the concept. But it might be fair to say that I didn’t totally “get it”. I understood the aspiration: to improve leadership standards and ethics across all parts of Irish society. But I don’t think I truly understood how this would be achieved or why it mattered so much.
I trained as a facilitator late last year. I was definitely buzzed up about the process but, even then, I still didn’t quite get the impact.
A couple of personal and business issues delayed me from getting my first roundtable started. And if I’m honest, my own bashfulness got in the way. What if I invited someone to join a roundtable and they said NO? It’s fair to say that I probably put roadblocks in my own way, rather than just getting on with it. But when I addressed a Network Ireland event in February I just put it out there, I invited the members to live LIFT with me and a week later on got my first round table started.
What fun we’ve had. We’ve learned so much about ourselves. We’ve taken time to reflect and grow. There have been personal realisations, tears and lots of laughter. But each of us are living LIFT and we’re LIFTing ourselves and others. The values of LIFT are impacting our homes, our families, our friendships, our communities and our workplaces.

And as a facilitator I’ve grown. I now understand that I can be a leader in my sphere of influence. I can reach out to people who are struggling at a challenging time like this and I can make a difference. I’ve become stronger myself and I’m better able to cope with the personal and business pressures arising from COVID19. I haven’t allowed fear to overtake me: I’ve come out fighting.
I’m currently running three LIFT roundtable groups and have a waiting list for two more, which I plan to get underway asap. There’s a hunger for LIFT. There’s a need for LIFT. And we, as facilitators, have the tools to bring it to people in our communities who need it.
Last week, as I looked at my original group peering out of the computer screen at me, I saw the full range of emotions. I saw fear, loneliness, worry, pressure and so many other concerns. But in that 45 minute session, I also saw the reason that Ireland needs LIFT more than ever. The LIFT values teach each of us how to lead ourselves effectively. Taking LIFT values to your heart and living LIFT improves your own life first and then makes you stronger to support those around you. That’s a very powerful experience for LIFT participants and it’s an incredible privilege to facilitate that.
As a small business owner, I’ve been through 2 recessions. Being honest, the last one broke me. I lived with fear and deep anxiety for several years after. This time it’s different. This time I’ve come out fighting because I’m on a mission. I know, from personal experience, how strengthening my leadership muscle has helped me build resilience and deal with times of stress.
My mission now to strengthen that muscle in others to prevent them from getting broken. Being a LIFT facilitator gives me the tools to nurture the leader in others and now, more than ever, that’s my mission!
Join us strengthening our leadership muscles on an online LIFT leadership session. Now more than ever we need to increase our positive attitude, resilience and innovative skills. These 40 minute sessions are open to everyone in Ireland.
I have been so lucky to have been a part of Karen’s LIFT group.
I can honestly say it has been the highlight of my week, especially as it began the week before Lockdown.
It has been a window within each week, where courage, honesty, listening, laughter and support have brought such a comfort.
The process has deepened my awareness. It has challenged and changed how I look at myself and how I approach tasks.
I’d encourage anyone who is open to new possibilities within themselves and their life to join and enjoy the process.
Thank you Karen for putting yourself out there and bravely inviting us to join your roundtable group.
I have got to know a new group of people who I feel privilaged to now call my friends and I know we will support each other whenever possible, in the times ahead.
Hi Breda,
Thank you for sharing your kind words. We are lucky to have you involved and the whole LIFT Team is heartened to hear your positive experience with LIFT. We hope you continue to lift yourself and others in your life. We echo your words in thanking Karen for running so many roundtables in this turbulent time and providing this opportunity to so many.