The Time to Lead is Now

I have a book here on the table beside my computer, called It Starts with One. As I think about the unprecedented times that we are going through right now, it strikes me that the title of this book could well a rallying call for all of us.

When this virus ends, which of course it will, who will be the people that we talk about with respect and gratitude for the way that they handled things? I believe it will be those people who didn’t wait for others to sort things out, but instead asked ‘what can I do to make things better here, and now?’. It will be those people who looked to their friends, neighbours and community to see how they could help others, not just themselves. It will be those people who realised that difficult though it is, this time is going to be the catalyst for innovation, creativity and new ways of doing things. It will be those people who used this time wisely, deepening relationships; connecting with themselves and others; listening, thinking and learning. Most importantly, it will be those people who stayed positive and determined and made the deliberate decision not to be defeated.  In short, it will be those people who in large and small ways, showed real leadership.

If ever there was a time that proves that having a position or title does not make someone a leader this is it. Some of the World’s most powerful politicians appear more interested in how this pandemic will affect stock markets or election chances than in the good of their people; while nursing and ambulance staff put themselves and their families at risk in order to keep the rest of us safe – who are the real leaders here?

This is the time when each of us needs to lead well – not for the future, not for our careers, not for our egos; but for our children, our friends and our communities, right here and right now. Real leaders listen and have empathy with others; they choose to have a positive attitude when many others accept defeat; they take responsibility to be the best that they can be right now; they live with integrity and honesty. They are determined to do everything in their power to LIFT themselves and be a positive influence on those around them. It’s not about someone else doing it. It Starts with One. And that One is each of us.

LIFT is here to support you in these difficult time. We will be running online roundtables next week. To view our LIFT leadership values read below.

LIFT Leadership values