LIFT Ireland: Youth Programme
The LEADERS who lead today shape tomorrow. The LEADERS we shape today lead tomorrow.

Some of the Schools Already Involved
This is just a selection of our partner schools. If your school is already participating in LIFT but can’t see your logo, please let us know and we will add it.
To bring LIFT to your school, sign up for teacher training.
Book hereRead how LIFT aligns with the LAOS Framework.
LAOS DocumentIntroduction to LIFT Ireland
LIFT Ireland is a social enterprise aimed at increasing the level of positive leadership capabilities in Ireland. LIFT, which stands for ‘Leading Ireland’s Future Together’, does this through its eight-part, group learning programme. LIFT’s programme is being rolled out nationwide via a volunteer facilitator network with an overall goal of reaching 10% of the population within ten years.
LIFT’s vision is to build a better Ireland, one young person at a time.
Our mission is to transform our society by enabling every young person, regardless of background or means, to improve their mental wellbeing, build self-leadership, and develop inner strength
Why LIFT Schools?
Schools are a vital component of LIFT Ireland. To create a nation of leaders, we need to show students from an early stage what it takes to be a leader. LIFT Ireland’s leadership learning process is based on eight key leadership values. While partaking in LIFT’s programme, participants are introduced to one value per week, for 8 weeks. LIFT’s leadership learning process provides students with the foundation to become leaders in their own lives. Students that have taken part in LIFT have improved their listening skills, increased confidence and become more emphatic, understanding and positive.
Implementing LIFT in your school can help you to deliver on a range of Departmental requirements including Looking At Our School 2022 (LAOS), the National Skills Strategy 2025, the Action Plan on Bullying 2022 and Special needs Education. Learn more about that here.
Watch our case-study of LIFT in Confey College below.
To bring LIFT to your school, sign up for teacher training.
Book hereAlready a LIFT School? Need a Refresher?
Email Sarah-Lyn10 Minute Teacher Support Meeting
Schedule hereAny questions about signing up to LIFT?
Email Sarah-LynLIFT Schools Programme
We enable TY students to become LIFT facilitators so that they can run the LIFT programme amongst other students in their school – 1st and 2nd years are the most popular year to partner the TYs with.
The learning process offered to schools covers the same material as our corporate programme. However, we have tailored the language and delivery so it is more engaging for students. LIFT’s leadership values include Listening, Positive Attitude, Respect, Resilience, Dedication & Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Innovation & Adaptability, and Honesty & Integrity.
LIFT provides schools with the following:
- Teacher training.
- Teacher pack of Slides to guide your classes
- Booklets and scripts for students (English, Irish or Ukrainian)
- Certificates for trained TY Facilitators.
- Online access to LIFT materials, videos and information
- LIFT School Newsletter.
- On-going support from our Education Team.
Schools can also work up to being awarded a LIFT Flag. This award recognises that the school shares LIFT’s Vision, which is that by developing our personal leadership values, we can make Ireland a more equal, caring and positive society, now and in the future.
If your school has been doing LIFT for 2 or more years, then you are eligible to apply for a LIFT Flag – contact our team at
How to bring LIFT to your School
- The TY co-ordinator or teacher responsible for bringing LIFT to their school must first complete a free online LIFT facilitator training. These trainings are specifically available throughout the year for teachers. They run from 9:30-3pm on selected dates. School principals are also very welcome. At the teacher training we will provide you with everything you need, to simply and easily bring LIFT to your TYs when term starts.
- Next you run the LIFT training with a group of TYs via the videos and materials we provide you.
- Once the trained TYs receive their certificates as LIFT Facilitators they can start leading other students in your school through the 8 week LIFT programme. We advise that the TYs run roundtables with the second year students
Tá LIFT ar fáil as Gaeilge anois freisin. Más mian leat LIFT a thabhairt chuig do Ghaelscoil cuir ríomhphost chuig
For partner schools that are onboarding Ukrainian students we have developed the LIFT program in Ukrainian. Email to learn more.
Pricing and Contributions
Our schools programme is heavily subsidised by out corporate partners who fund the vast majority of the programme.
We do ask for a recommended contribution of €5 per student booklet. Order booklets here.
Partner schools can order all materials, printed booklets, scripts, certificates, videos, ongoing support, events and all the training for teachers.
If your school can’t afford to contribute get in touch – we’ll still work with you to find a way to bring LIFT to your school. LIFT is for everyone.
LIFT in the Staffroom
LIFT isn’t just for your students. LIFT roundtables are being run in a range of professional organisations across Ireland and this includes school staff rooms.
The LIFT programme is an ideal fit with the leadership and self-reflection goals of the “Looking at our School” framework. We are aware of a number of schools where roundtables are held in the staffroom. The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) have held roundtables with their leadership team. And roundtables would be an ideal way to build bonds between the often diverse backgrounds of a Board of Management.
And the good news is teachers who have already been trained by LIFT are also qualified to facilitate roundtables among staff and school leadership. If you would like to learn more about holding roundtables among your school staff and leadership contact us at
Information for Principals
Implementing LIFT in your school can help you to deliver on a range of Departmental requirements including Looking At Our School 2022 (LAOS), the National Skills Strategy 2025, the Action Plan on Bullying 2022 and Special needs Education.
We have prepared a document to help explain how LIFT’s personal leadership roundtable process aligns with the domains and standards set out in the Department of Education’s Looking At Our School framework document of August 2022. It provides a direct mapping of the LIFT process to the L.A.O.S. domains and standards, demonstrating that LIFT helps a
school to progress in all 8 domains.
It also contains information on how LIFT can help you with Transversal Skills and The National Skills Strategy, Bullying Reduction and Special Education Needs.
You can access this document here.
For more information email
LIFT in other youth organisations.
LIFT isn’t just for Schools. LIFT roundtables are also being run in Third Level institutions and Youth Organisations across Ireland by both students and staff. From University of Galway to Clondalkin YouthReach, LIFT is helping to transform our society by enabling every young person, regardless of background or means, to improve their mental wellbeing, build self-leadership, and develop inner strength
For more information if LIFT is currently being run in your institution or to find out how to start please email
We are very proud to be involved in LIFT. It’s a fantastic programme, which we really believe in. The programme itself fits in well with our own ethos and values – Respect for All, which is also one of the LIFT values. The students have really taken to it to it and continue to demonstrate their own leadership skills. It has positively impacted both their lives and the lives of the teachers and parents that have taken part.
Would your school like to ‘Live LIFT’ or learn more?
Fill out the form below to get in touch.