Zoom Privacy Policy
Zoom Online Meetings & Training Sessions
LIFT Ireland or it’s clients are not responsible for any material or content shared by participants in a Zoom meeting
Using Zoom Securely
In Zoom, there are many controls which hosts of meetings can use to maximise the privacy and security of their meetings. At the LIFT Ireland, we have configured Zoom, by default, to ensure meetings are as secure and private as possible. These default settings are:
- Participants are not allowed to join before the meeting host unless previously registered via email or a booking system.
- All participants are placed in a “Waiting Room” and the Host individually admits them to meetings.
- Unique meeting IDs are required for each scheduled or instant meeting (rather than using your Personal Meeting ID (PMID).
- Passwords are required for schedule and instance meetings.
- Participants cannot rejoin if the host has removed them.
- Guests will be asked to sign-in and agree to GDPR terms and conditions and the general use of Zoom as a online training system.
- Messages sent via chat are not saved.
- Participants cannot save a transcript of the call.
- Recording to local files is not allowed (cloud only).
- Meetings are not recorded automatically – only the Host is allowed to do this and to access these recordings. Before the meeting commences, Hosts are prompted to inform participants about the recording of meetings.
All the above features are enabled automatically within LIFT Ireland Zoom training rooms – you do not need to do anything.
Zoom Virtual Meetings – Privacy & Anonymity
Compared to a physical meeting it is not possible to achieve the same level of confidentiality and anonymity in an online setting. Even after the host has turned off all recording on the Zoom platform, there is nothing to stop a participant using other software or a personal mobile phone to record sound or images. It is very important that attendees at online meetings or training sessions are aware of this and that they adjust their sharing accordingly.